Food packages

Providing humanitarian aid in the form of food packages for the most vulnerable and most affected by the Russian war against Ukraine.

15 261 628

53 857 900



543,282 beneficiaries

212,735 food parcels

2,136,830 kg of total food


The Mudra Sprava Patriarchal Foundation, responding to the impoverishment of the people caused by the loss of work and homes as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, decided to launch a project to purchase food from Ukrainian producers, prepare and distribute food packages to the most affected and vulnerable.


Providing humanitarian aid in the form of food packages to the most affected by the Russian war against Ukraine and the most vulnerable segments of the population, including IDPs, refugees, large and low-income families, retirees and people with disabilities, and people who lost their homes or property caused by the war.


April 2022 — present.


1. To purchase food to form a grocery set and enter into partnership agreements with manufacturers of certain products.

2. To equip a workshop for storing and packaging the products.

3. Hire a team of employees to pack the food parcels.

4. To think over the logistics of delivering the food parcels to the places of the largest concentration of internally displaced persons and war-affected people.

5. Deliver the food packages to the places of distribution.

6. Establish a network of parish centers that will store and distribute the food parcels.

7. Provide the above-mentioned categories of the population with the food packages.

8. During the distribution of food packages, organize opportunities for communication: with other affected people, with volunteers, with psychologists and a clergymen.

We succeeded:

Form a food package designed to feed two people for a week and consisting of 13 items weighing 8.5 kg.

Sign more than 15 partnership agreements for the supply of products and services exclusively with Ukrainian producers.

Establish food transportation to our packaging facility.

Hire a team of 25 people, 70 % of whom are people who lost their jobs at the beginning of the war or are low-income.

Adapt 450 square meters of space in Lviv to organize the production and storage of food.

To form 212,735 food parcels with a total weight of 2,136,830 kg.

Provide 543,282 war-affected people with food parcels.

Not to only provide material support, but to give joy and hope for a better, safer and more fulfilling life through communication.

To emphasize an additional spiritual dimension in the context of serving one’s neighbor — sharing love, which generates gratitude, which is the key to resilience, and strengthens hope for victory.


IDPs, people who have lost their homes, property, or jobs, low-income and large families, families who have lost their relatives.


Mudra Sprava Patriarchal Foundation, UGCC Logistics Center, parishes of the UGCC.


And Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia, Apostolic Exarchate in Germany and Scandinavia, Eparchy of the Holy Family in London (UK), Catholic Church in Austria, Knights of Columbus, CNEWA Foundation, FACE Foundation, Japan, Estonia, Romania.