Rehabilitation of Military Families

Organizing quality physical recreation, providing qualified psychological assistance and effective spiritual recovery for Ukrainian servicemen and their families released from Russian captivity.

4 161 581

8 589 125



10 days of rehabilitation

9 military families


Taking into account the need for psychological rehabilitation and spiritual restoration of the families of Ukrainian servicemen released from captivity, the Patriarchal Foundation “Mudra Sprava” in cooperation with the Patriarchal Pilgrimage Center of the UGCC launched a spiritual rehabilitation project for the families of servicemen in the picturesque areas of our country.


Organizing quality physical recreation, providing qualified psychological assistance and effective spiritual recovery for Ukrainian servicemen and their families released from Russian captivity.


April — June 2024.


1. Find a suitable place and establish cooperation for organizing a spiritual rehabilitation program;

2. Create individualized physical and psychological rehabilitation programs based on the needs and health status of each serviceman and his/her family;

3. Develop a proper spiritual program to engage servicemen and their families in spiritual recovery;

4. Provide access to sports and recreational activities;

5. To create a team of qualified psychologists and psychotherapists who have experience working with people who have survived captivity;

6. Ensure access to individual and group psychological counseling for servicemen and women released from captivity and their families;

7. Organize psychological trainings on stress management, overcoming anxiety and depression, as well as on developing resilience and emotional regulation;

8. Establish cooperation with religious organizations and clergy to offer spiritual support and opportunities to attend services and prayer events to servicemen and women released from captivity and their families;

9. Ensure proper recreation and support for children of military personnel by engaging Christian animators;

10. To create conditions for the spiritual development of servicemen and women released from captivity and their families so that they can find the meaning of life and feel unity with God.

We succeeded

Find several places in picturesque areas of the country and establish cooperation to organize a spiritual rehabilitation program;

Create individualized physical and psychological rehabilitation programs based on the needs and health status of each soldier and his/her family;

Involve a chaplain and develop an appropriate spiritual program with him/her to engage servicemen and their families in spiritual recovery;

Provide access to sports and recreational activities on the territory of selected locations and outside of them within easy reach;

Organize a team of qualified psychologists and psychotherapists who have experience working with people who have survived captivity;

Through the psychologists and psychotherapists involved, provide access to individual and group psychological counseling for servicemen and women released from captivity and their families;

Together with psychologists and psychotherapists, organize psychological trainings on stress management, overcoming anxiety and depression, as well as on developing resilience and emotional regulation;

Involve Christian animators, thus providing proper recreation and support for children of military personnel;

To create conditions for the spiritual development of servicemen and women released from captivity and their families so that they can find the meaning of life and feel unity with God by organizing meetings with interesting personalities.


Ukrainian servicemen and their families released from Russian captivity.


The Patriarchal Foundation “Mudra Sprava”, Patriarchal Pilgrimage Center of the UGCC.


Kindermissionswerk, Foundation for Healing the Wounds of War in Ukraine.