UGCC bishop from Australia attends strategic session of Tsyrkuniv community

June 25, 2024

On 21 June 2024, Bishop Mykola Bychok, Bishop of the Eparchy of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Melbourne, Australia, visited the strategic session of the Tsyrkuniv community in Kharkiv Oblast as part of the “Healing Communities” educational programme of the Patriarchal Foundation “Mudra Sprava”.

UGCC bishop from Australia attends strategic session of Tsyrkuniv community

The strategic session held by the project team was aimed at supporting and developing the Tsyrkuniv territorial community.

At the beginning, Andrii Rozhdestvenskyi, one of the project’s trainers, shared his experience and knowledge, calling on the participants to take personal responsibility for the development of their own community. Father Lyubomyr Yavorskyy, project coordinator, helped the participants find harmony and understanding, convincing everyone present that only in unity with each other can people make great changes. Svitlana Buhay, another project trainer, ensured the organisation and successful conduct of the event. She presented the methodology of the meeting, helping to identify not only the goals, but also to build a detailed path to achieve them.

A unique moment of the strategic session was the visit and communication of Bishop Mykola Bychok from Australia with the community members. “Today, Bishop Mykola cares for Ukrainians and their parish communities in geographically distant Australia, New Zealand and Oceania. Nevertheless, he is constantly close to the suffering Ukrainian people through comprehensive support, including food packages from the Patriarchal Foundation ‘Mudra Sprava’. So even here, in the Tsyrkuniv community, he had the opportunity to meet the emblem of his eparchy!” told Fr Lyubomyr Yavorskyy in a comment to the press service.

At the same time, according to the priest, the bishop’s visit was a sign of hope and confidence for the residents of this community. “Bishop Mykola travelled more than 18,000 kilometres from Melbourne to Kharkiv to testify to his admiration for the feat of Ukrainians that touches the whole world. After all, people in Melbourne, Perth, Canberra, Brisbane, Geelong, Christchurch and Wellington continue to pray for the victory and just peace for Ukraine and join in supporting the Ukrainian people”, he said.

“We thank all the participants and guests for their contribution to the development of the Tsyrkunivska community. This meeting is an important step towards our healing and consolidation”, representatives of the Tsyrkuniv community wrote on their Facebook page.

Press service of the Patriarchal Foundation “Mudra Sprava”