“To be an effective instrument of God to heal the wounds of war”: UGCC Synod of Bishops discusses financial issues

July 13, 2024

“In this period of the Russian war, we strive not only to support the needy and affected Ukrainians, but also to give them hope for a better future for each of us and our country.” This was stated by Fr Lyubomyr Yavorsky, Patriarchal Econome of the UGCC and Director of the Patriarchal Foundation “Mudra Sprava”, during a report to the bishops of the UGCC Synod on 9 July 2024.

“To be an effective instrument of God to heal the wounds of war”: UGCC Synod of Bishops discusses financial issues

One of the key topics of each meeting of the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is the block of economic issues.

Financial report and plans

Father Lyubomyr Yavorskyy, together with Natalia Parkulab, Head of the Financial Department of the Patriarchal Curia of the UGCC, presented the financial report of the Patriarchal Curia of the UGCC for 2023, which was prepared by specialists and approved after an audit.

Afterwards, the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC approved the budget for 2025.

Отець Любомир Яворський, Патріарший економ УГКЦ та директор Патріаршої фундації "Мудра справа"

Funds of the church-wide significance

The Patriarchal Econome also reports on financial collections of church-wide significance, such as “Andrew’s Hrish”, the Mission Fund, the Fund for Priestly Solidarity, and the Fund for Bishops” Solidarity.

The “Andrew’s Hrich” fund is being held to help the Father and Head of the UGCC, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, to serve those in need quickly and efficiently. “In the context of the great war, the great grief of the Ukrainian people in their native lands, the ‘Andrew’s Hrish’ collection shows its special effectiveness — it makes it possible to help quickly, to help targeted,” said His Beatitude Sviatoslav. Thus, today “Andrew’s Hrish” is a manifestation of the unity and solidarity of Ukrainians with the Head of the UGCC in his service to the victims of the Russian war.

The UGCC Mission Fund is intended to support parish communities in the missionary areas, particularly, in the frontline areas that are constantly suffering from shelling. This year, the part of accumulated funds was used to support the reconstruction of a church in the Kharkiv region, which was damaged by Russian shelling.

“At all costs, we want to be close to each other in our ministry, so that we can move together towards our state-building change and resurrection. Despite all the obstacles and attempts of the enemy to destroy us, we want to be an effective instrument of God to heal the wounds of war of both our Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and our state,” concluded Fr Lyubomyr Yavorsky.

Наталія Паркулаб, керівниця Фінансового департаменту Патріаршої курії УГКЦ

“Mudra Sprava’s” strategic and transformational projects

During the second part of his report, Fr Lyubomyr, as Director of the Patriarchal Foundation, presented the activities of “Mudra Sprava” over the last year. He noted that it is undergoing certain changes due to the challenges of the war and the development of the foundation itself. It is a transition to projects of strategic, transformational importance. “First of all, we are talking about educational and awareness-raising projects for the comprehensive restoration of communities — ‘Healing Communities’ and ‘Action in Hope’. It is also the intensification of our UGCC Consulting Centre for parish communities seeking to develop social service and entrepreneurship. We cannot ignore the establishment of the Wound Healing Centres and the launch of a network with individual parish branches of the Psychological Counselling Centre, which provides both individual and group services to improve the mental health of Ukrainians,” said Fr Lyubomyr Yavorskyy.

For example, the Healing Communities educational and enlightening project was created to help Ukrainian communities recover during and after the war and thus become stronger. It is based on the ideas of the Righteous Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, who believed that education and enlightenment are the key to a better and more authentic life.

The project includes both educational and psychological rehabilitation, as well as spiritual renewal of each participant. For this purpose, for 5 days, participants listen to lectures by professional teachers, participate in strategic sessions, discussions and spiritual conversations, visit historical sites in Lviv and explore themselves.

Ten communities from the frontline territories were pr to participate in the training modules and psychological and spiritual rehabilitation that took place at the Patriarchal House in Lviv. In total, more than 300 people participated, including entrepreneurs, businessmen, government and local government officials, civic activists and opinion leaders.

Rehabilitation of families of military personnel

Another important project, according to Fr Lyubomyr, is the rehabilitation of servicemen who have been released from captivity or sustained serious injuries and their families. It is the presence of the whole family that is a determining factor in this spiritual and psychological recovery. According to the priest, during the spring and summer of 2024, 4 rounds of 10 days each were held, with more than 150 people participating. The rehabilitation activities took place at the Marian Spiritual Centre in Zarvanytsia, as well as at the training centre in Maidan, Lviv region. A visible testament to the program’s effectiveness was the desire of three couples to receive the Sacrament of Matrimony.

“We are returning to the roots, focusing on the top priorities. These are already larger-scale projects, the greatness of which can be compared to the activities of the Righteous Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky. Leading the Church during the wars, he never stopped implementing many visionary and global initiatives. Following his example, we, the Patriarchal Foundation, are acting today on behalf of His Beatitude Patriarch Sviatoslav, implementing projects of similar scale and significance,” the priest added in conclusion.

Press service of the Patriarchal Foundation “Mudra Sprava”