The Patriarchal Foundation “Mudra Sprava” has updated its official website

June 18, 2024

Over the last six months, the team of the Patriarchal Foundation “Mudra Sprava” has been working on updating its official website. Finally, it can be presented to the wider audience.

The Patriarchal Foundation “Mudra Sprava” has updated its official website

The work on updating of the official website of the Patriarchal Foundation “Mudra Sprava” began in December last year. It was then that an agreement was signed with the IT company “CAWAS”, which began developing the new website.

“For the Patriarchal Foundation ‘Mudra Sprava’ it is now important to analyse all our achievements and other things, because we started doing everything quickly, and the second thing is to launch proper or even better communication. Only now we will launch a new website where everyone will be able to come and see the successful projects we are implementing, how much resources we have involved, who our donors or partners are, with whom we have done it, what new projects we are launching, and where we need to attract even more resources. It is important that communities also have the opportunity to read and get acquainted with the regions in which the Patriarchal Foundation ‘Mudra Sprava’ plans to operate and serve, and then apply for it. Therefore, in the coming weeks, the official website of the Patriarchal Foundation ‘’Mudra Sprava” will be presented, which will allow for more viewing and communication,’ said the director of the foundation, Fr Lyubomyr Yavorskyy, on the eve of the official launch of the website.

Today on the website you can find information about the current activities of the Patriarchal Foundation, a presentation of completed and ongoing projects and charitable initiatives, reports on the resources raised, and a list of partners with whom we have established fruitful cooperation to effectively serve those most in need and affected by the Russian war against Ukraine.

A detailed section describes the history of the foundation, its purpose, vision and key principles of activity. This will allow readers to get to know the benefactors even better and even become part of their team. After all, one of the subsections offers the site’s readers various forms of cooperation and participation.

The official website of the Patriarchal Foundation “Mudra Sprava” is currently available in Ukrainian and English.

Press service of the Patriarchal Foundation “Mudra Sprava”