Patriarchal Economist presented the activities of the “Mudra Sprava” Foundation at the Synod of Bishops

November 19, 2022

On November 19, during the sessions of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC in Ukraine, the Patriarchal Economist Fr. Lubomyr Yavorsky presented the activities of the Patriarchal Foundation’s “Mudra Sprava.” In addition, the speaker outlined the strategic vision of the foundation’s development and future projects.

Patriarchal Economist presented the activities of the “Mudra Sprava” Foundation at the Synod of Bishops

The Patriarchal Economist emphasizes that the Patriarchal Foundation “Mudra Sprava” appeared precisely as a response to these devastating consequences of the current war. Today, it is actively implementing three projects which are going to be presented in detail to the Bishops of the Synod:

“Since the number of places to settle internally displaced persons is insufficient, we are launching another project to build modular houses to increase shelter and temporary stay areas. It will allow us to accommodate even more people and respond more effectively to the current needs caused by the brutal war of the Russian aggressor, which it is waging to a large extent against the civilian population,” said the speaker presenting the future development of the foundation.

The Mudra Sprava Consulting Center’s team today helps dioceses, exarchates, and individual parishes with legal and economic issues to increase efficiency and transparency in assisting those who need it most.

“In turn, the bishops from the eastern regions of our country expressed their gratitude for the significant support and confirmed that the Patriarchal Foundation ‘Mudra Sprava’ constantly provides them with assistance, either through food kits or the evacuation of people,” said the Patriarchal Economist Fr. Lubomyr Yavorsky.

The UGCC Department for Information