“Healing Communities”: Strategic session on building and development of Zelenodolsk community held

February 7, 2024

On 3 February 2024, the first strategic session on the development of the Zelenodolsk community for the current year was held in Zelenodolsk with the participation of the “Healing Communities” project team of the Patriarchal Foundation Mudra Sprava.

“Healing Communities”: Strategic session on building and development of Zelenodolsk community held

The meeting was attended by experts from the Patriarchal Foundation Mudra Sprava Fr. Lyubomyr Yavorsky, Svitlana Bugay and Andriy Rozhdestvensky, the Mayor of Zelenodolsk Dmytro Neveselyy, the City Council Secretary Olha Tsytsyura and more than 50 representatives from all the settlements of the municipality — entrepreneurs, farmers, teachers, doctors, representatives of local government, culture, sports, youth council, veterans’ organisations, and a municipal enterprise.

“As a result of the meeting the mission of the community was defined: ‘A united community is a strong Ukraine’ and the values inherent in our community: people, patriotism, openness, integrity, support,” representatives of the Zelenodolsk city territorial community wrote on their Facebook page.

Together, they defined the slogan: “Dream, Act, Impress!” During the six-hour session, the participants identified key areas of action for the further development of the Zelenodolsk community, especially in the economic, medical, social, and cultural spheres.

“Often we get buried in our own thoughts and reflections, so we lack an outside perspective and new ideas. It is meetings like today that inspire new actions and a fresh approach to daily work. Our urban territorial community of Zelenodolsk has the most important thing — people who are ready to work on the territory and want to influence the development of the community,” shared Iryna Moroz-Nevesela, one of the participants of the session.

Міський голова Зеленодольська Дмитро Невеселий

Father Lyubomyr Yavorskyy, one of the project coordinators, noted that the Zelenodolsk community, with whom we had previously run several projects, was the first community to complete the “Healing Communities” programme. “So, we came to them to hold the final strategic session — strategic planning for the community. It is important for the UGCC, for the Patriarchal Foundation Mudra Sprava, that at the strategic planning session we saw different participants for the development and building of the community in the spirit of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky. In his time, the Church was the nucleus and the core involving various institutions and civil society to develop the community. We saw different people here. There were representatives of government, civil society, business, academia, and science. We collaborated with them on our common future. It should be noted that for the community of Zelenodolsk it became clear that the cultural aspect should be included in the future development”.

Press service of the Patriarchal Foundation Mudra Sprava